Wednesday, August 31, 2016

HE has Made Me Beauti-FULL!

I am not waiting for my love story to happen because it already has, and therefore I will not wait to experience the little things that express how special it is (for me it was the photo shoot).  I have already come to know and even more so be known by the ONE I love dearly and will further love me unconditionally. I am constantly learning more of who HE is and dwelling in HIS wonderful attributes. HE is the most honest, faithful, and compassionate being that I will ever know. HE constantly keeps HIS promises, and I love HIM so much for this. HE is my ABBA, my BELOVED, my BEST FRIEND- HE is my GOD. NO one will ever be capable of loving the way HE does. HE has pursued me to the point of death on a cross. HE has chosen me, therefore I am not waiting to live my life in hope of a lesser love story. So many are waiting, seeking, and spinning in circles trying to fill the void with a lesser love that will never- no never satisfy, but as for me- I refuse. There is none that will ever come close to comparison- no, not one. There is not a more profound and intimate love than that that HE holds. Psalm 139 says that HE has intricately woven us, and knows our every hour for HE has written them in HIS book- it does not get more intimate than that! I stand firmly in my knowledge that there is not a greater love story out there than that of GOD's sacrificial love- and so I tell you "I am not waiting."- are you?

     We live in a world that promotes a seductive, maintained, up-to-date outer appearance that abandons any focus on inner character. All that seeking to perfect outer appearance does is leave us wanting more, because it will never be enough! Never! The cycle of trends will only continue to constantly change leaving you feeling like your always one step behind. Attire is one insatiable want, but it is not the only one- because the world is selling you a ideal body shape, and telling you the do's and don't of covering your facial "flaws". The world is screaming lies out to you, but only to hide the gentle whisper of GOD's voice saying "come to me." If you are seeking to please the world's standard of beautiful you will only feel empty and like you will never be good enough, because in their eyes- you wont. I am telling you this because I know I have been there- yet I chose to stop and listen to HIS quiet and gentle voice say "come, and seek MY face". The more you chose to seek HIS face instead of worrying about perfecting your own- the more you will start to feel the weight of the lies lift of your shoulders. After you let go of the lies you will start to feel it for the first time- beauti-FULL. My dear, inner character that is shaped by the hand of GOD comes from within. Inner beauty is that of a gentle and quiet spirit which is precious in HIS eyes (1 Peter 3:3-4)  "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." (Proverbs 31:30) Dwell in the radiance of inner character my dear.

    Dear friends know this truth: "modesty is more than covering your physical body- it's about the intentions of the heart." Of whom are you seeking to please? If you are after the attention and approval of an onlooking world be prepared to continuosly feel empty. If you are after their attention constantly seeking to "perfect" your appearance you are forsaking the very heart of modesty. Seeking for their attention will only leave you on a continuous search to fill the void that cannot be filled by that besides GOD alone. So I charge you dear one "stop!" and listen to HIS gentle, quiet, and truth filled whisper!

     Lastly, I want you to know the meaning of my ring (pictured below)- it is not what you think. Today the world is selling the trend of the "purity ring"- of which I am not fully opposed, but yet a part of me is. I do not support the full idea of the purity ring, because I know how quickly it can become a symbol of self-righteousness and legalism. The main idea behind the purity ring is to remain pure for that special someone, but what does that mean? Apart from CHRIST no one is truly pure- for all have sinned. -Pause- I do fully stand in support of remaining physically pure outside and inside of biblical marriage.- Resume- So no it is not a purity ring. This ring is a symbol of HIS steadfast and unchanging love for me. On the inside of my ring is engraved "Romans 8:37-39" to remind me that nothing can separate me from HIS love- not even my own sin. The Ichthus or "JESUS fish" as many call it is a symbol of persecuted christians in history past that clung to the very truth of HIS unseparable love- and that is the love that I today cling to. So dear friends- if you hear anything of what I am saying hear this "only JESUS can satisfy for their is no greater love than HIS sacrificial love".

In a nutshell: 1) My point was to show that yes there are things reserved for marriage, but it's okay to eat of your fine china (or experience a photo shoot) while you are single. GOD calls us to different seasons of life and there is beauty in embracing them with contentment.
2) I wanted to show you that taking pictures that make you feel pretty don't have to appear seductive, and you don't have to dress in a physically revealing way.  True beauty comes inward out!
So, do you feel beauti-FULL?
Much love and gratitude, Frances Hope
Special thanks to: 
*Christina Paz for taking wonderful pictures and making me feel naturally beautiful in the process, for encouraging the very heart of my reasoning behind this shoot: to take pictures that were proper opposed to the world's standards.
*Anna Bryson for "directing", and making me laugh. Thank you for seeking the LORD in the midst of this beautiful season of singleness alongside me. 
*The Posh Peach for loaning your lovely clothes to us for this shoot!
*B Anderson for this beautiful flower garland!
*MyChurch for letting us use your land for this shoot.
*Most of all: Thank you JESUS for stealing, holding, and caring for my heart so well!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Back in the "Real" World!

All I can say is "Ahhhhhhhh!". What a faithful GOD I serve who provides so much for me, even when my heart is full of doubt! Seriously, HE has blown me away with the ways HE keeps providing. Don't get me wrong- I do not believe in a prosperity gospel- but that's why it blows me away so much! I don't deserve it, and all I need is HIM alone- yet HE provides all the little things I need in this life. Just when I reach that moment of I'm not going to make it- HE provides. Just when I think I won't be able to support myself financially HE gives. Bills don't pay themselves and I am crunched as I am in the process of looking for a job as I return back to school. What an amazing faithful GOD I serve who provides all that I need and more even in the midst of my doubting heart! Yet even if HE did not provide for me the things of this broken life I know I would have all that I need, because I have HIM- my BELOVED ABBA!

Oh, I suppose you want to hear about camp! I apologize (sort of, but not really-because it's who I am) for my giddy heart, and that the thought almost escaped me! In a nutshell camp was- well "sanctifying"! Seriously, I have become even more aware of my sin than I was before, and the process  was not an easy road. If you know me at all than you already know there were tears, and lots of them. After all I am 95% emotional and 5% (a generous ammount) rational. I am so thankful that the summer was a rocky road of sanctification- because it lead me to HIM more, and because of that I feel my heart is better prepared for the road that lies ahead....
Until next time!
Love always, Frances Hope