One day it hit me! A still small voice, both firm and full of compassion, saying to me "Frances, you have to do something about this!" Reality rang loud and clear as I pursued action "you will offend many, and many will hate you". These were my constant and consistent thoughts as I approached the day in which I would stand for the killing of the preborn. I knew the risk and it did not discourage me because I know the truth of Matthew 5:10 "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." So I stood there holding graphic images and passing out literature to attendees of Passion 2017. What I saw saddened me, but did not surprise me. What I saw on the faces of thousands of professing Christians was apathy, disgust, dissapointment, and anger. I was not angry at their reaction but rather broken hearted. The apathy one carries is the fate of many yet born. One day we will all be accountable before a HOLY GOD for our actions -or lack there of. I stood there fighting discouragement as my brothers and sisters passed me by some intentionally ignoring me and the others that stood with me on behalf of preborn children.
I thank my GOD for those who stopped to talk and to listen. I answered their questions, some full of hatred, to the best of my human ability with the words the HOLY SPIRIT had given me. I witnessed 2 grow men cry as the HOLY SPIRIT opened their hearts to see the truth of abortion. I spoke with sisters that stood to listen of the beautiful, sacred life of preborn children. I, through the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT and making myself vulnerable, proved one woman's argument invalid concerning the choice of human life.
It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows though. I was spit at, cursed at, intentionally ignored, and mocked as I stood to encourage others to stand for human life. My heart broke knowing that one day these people would all face GOD for their actions and lack of- just as I will. I refuse to be someone who sits on my butt and claims to be "pro-life" when others are being murdered. Proverbs 24:11 commands us to reach out on behalf of those being taken away to death- to the slaughter. JESUS commands us to ACT as the good Samaritan did out of compassion for those being left to die. Did you know that 25% of people are prolife, 25% prochoice, and 50% don't care- of these only .0001% are standing for human life. These numbers break my heart. I know the risk. The truth is offensive, therefore I cannot expect to share it and not offend others. My life is not about making myself greater. If people look pass me but see the greatness of GOD then I ought praise HIM. My life is to make HIM known no matter the cost to my own.
So I plead on behalf of dieing children being murdered daily- stand with me and my brothers and sisters of CBR for their cause. Abortion is murder. I believe in the truth of Romans 8:1 that there is NO condemnation for those who are IN CHRIST JESUS, yet this ought not be an excuse to proceed with abortion. We are supposed to act as the good Samaritan, and not be passive like the priest and the Levite. We are not to take GOD'S gifted grace for granted but to act in good works as our brother Paul reminds us.
I plead to you on behalf of the preborn person- ACT out of compassion in boldness and humility.
Much love, Frances Hope
Saturday, January 7, 2017
The Preborn Person's Plea
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