Saturday, April 11, 2020


     It's old news that we have all had to learn to adapt to our world's current situation, and a screen has become the new norm for connecting. Is "screen time" even a thing anymore? I'm not going to lie- I LOATHED the first part of quarantine, and I about LOST my mind. I, like many, was DOWN in the dumps as our world took a drastic turn. I went from working 2 jobs that I found purpose in- to having to sit still, and my "GO!" personality did not handle this well. HOWEVER, I am learning to adapt with the rest of the world to these current changes. I am striving to find fruitful and productive ways to spend this time. I have been reading more, I picked up my guitar for the first time in who knows how long, and have spent quite some time sitting in my hammock thinking. Honestly, as much as I am eager to get back to work I'm taking this time in, as I have been able to catch up with old friends and dig deeper into the word and my personal relationship with CHRIST. There will come a day when everything goes back to "normal", and I may miss SOME of this free tome. Emphasis on some! Ha! The good LORD has been teaching me quite a few things in this season, and I am excited to share them with you! So, here goes:
   1.) There is a purpose in every season.  We can either deny it, or joyfully submit to it. GOD is ultimately sovereign, and HE has not left HIS throne. HE is still in charge and has a purpose in this- EVEN IF we can't see what that is.

   2.) GOD is indeed HOLY. We are a wicked people, and GOD has the right to do what HE pleases. Our world has embraced wicked things, and acted out in wicked ways.
   GOD is merciful. The current situation does not change what CHRIST did on the cross. When HE said "it is finished" -HE meant it. When HE gave us the promise of eternal life (IF we are trusting in HIM)- HE has kept it. The tomb will still be empty tomorrow. 

   3.) Take nothing for granted. You never know when your last goodbye will be, nor the next time you will see someone again. Yet, you never know when you will get to see GOD work in THIS way again either. The time HE has given us is a chance to further seek HIS face. MANY who did not believe are starting to see that GOD is indeed REAL. This is an opportunity to share JESUS with people like never before.

   4.) It's okay to breathe. This one may seem kind of silly and a little petty... but I NEEDED it. I am the type to GIVE myself till I have nothing left. Sitting still is NOT my strong suit. However having a little time to myself to sit and think and breathe is GOOD for me. I have never seen the value in taking each day as it comes like I have now. 

   5.) Creativity comes in MANY forms. There is not one right way to be creative. There are different styles of art, and many forms and mediums within those styles. Art adapts in different periods of time. When my sweet photographer friend asked me to do this FaceTime photo shoot with her- I gladly cleared my schedule.... (ha.ha.ha).  Here are the results of her work: 

When kitty interupts, haha!...

Follow my oh so talented friend on Facebook and Instagram! [Christina Paz Photography and Rooted Tapestry Co]. Seriously, go do it! Christina has a huge heart for family history and capturing the moments that matter. She is a sweet soul that puts her heart into her work AND it shows! She does not disappoint. She took my family photos a couple years back and we all FELL in love with the images she captured. She cares for the story behind each photo as much as she cares about the details. She loves to capture the light that shines from the sun, and from the heart of every individual. She is so dear to my heart, and I hope someday you get to see her personally in action- I'm telling you she is one of a kind!

Much Love, Frances Hope