I was sixteen when I first responded to the gospel and over the years GOD has used many tools to draw me closer to HIM- Marannook is one of the greatest. I was so priviliged to study HIS word like never before for 100 plus hours, and grow in intimacy with my HEAVENLY FATHER, my ABBA. It was the best summer I had ever committed to regarding the LORD's work in my life and the lives of children. Surely it was a sacrifice of abandoning any selfish desire to spend my time however I felt, but I do not regret it one bit! I know that many fear the commitment that it requires, and I understand. I feel I can speak on behalf of my entire training staff and say we all understand and none of us regret that we gave up our summer. On one hand I could talk about Marannook forever, and on the other there aren't enough words to describe such an experience. I remember reading Romans and just weeping tears of grief and joy simultaneously as I let the gospel saturate my heart. I vividly remember speaking to our mentor and bible teacher and repeating over and over "I don't deserve it, but I don't have to earn it" as I just felt defeated and uplifted upon pondering the beauty of the gospel. I wish that every college student who loves JESUS would attend camp Marannook so that they could see the special place that it is. I want to encourage any college students with a free summer of even a possible free summer to strongly consider camp. I promise you when you surrender to submitting your summer to the LORD in this way it is truly a blessing. Let me just put it this way- are you willing to sacrifice your summer for the ONE who sacrificed HIS life for you?
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Monday, April 11, 2016
Leeching or Loving
Where do I even start? How about James Chapter one, because that seems to be the theme of my life right now. This season of my life has been a continuation of sanctifying trials back to back, and I don't always "consider it pure joy". So often I get caught up in wanting to question GOD's motives for my suffering that I forget HE is shaping me to be "perfect and complete, lacking in nothing". I am learning endurance on a level that I never would have dreamt of, and probably never would have asked for- thank the LORD it isn't up to me!
Endurance however is not the only thing I have been learning lately, but even also what it means to love. True, genuine, sacrificial love is something I find myself crawling back to and seeking my heart to extend to others. The old saying "love hurts" -well I think I'm starting to get it now. Love often means letting go, and it often brings heart ache. Yet when my heart hurts that's when I know I have loved, because nothing else could feel the same (I feel like I sound like the tin man). I prayed for discernment in love, and I truly feel the LORD is in the midst of answering that prayer. There is a difference between what I call "leeching" and loving. Leeching takes place- well when you are taking, while loving requires giving. Love gives and doesnt expect anything in return. Love often requires a hard truth to be spoken that can leave another in heartache as well. Love isn't always easy to give, and it isn't always easy to receive. Leeching benefits no one in the long run, but pleases many in the moment. Love often hurts in the moment, but benefits many in the long run. And that is why I choose to love....