I was sixteen when I first responded to the gospel and over the years GOD has used many tools to draw me closer to HIM- Marannook is one of the greatest. I was so priviliged to study HIS word like never before for 100 plus hours, and grow in intimacy with my HEAVENLY FATHER, my ABBA. It was the best summer I had ever committed to regarding the LORD's work in my life and the lives of children. Surely it was a sacrifice of abandoning any selfish desire to spend my time however I felt, but I do not regret it one bit! I know that many fear the commitment that it requires, and I understand. I feel I can speak on behalf of my entire training staff and say we all understand and none of us regret that we gave up our summer. On one hand I could talk about Marannook forever, and on the other there aren't enough words to describe such an experience. I remember reading Romans and just weeping tears of grief and joy simultaneously as I let the gospel saturate my heart. I vividly remember speaking to our mentor and bible teacher and repeating over and over "I don't deserve it, but I don't have to earn it" as I just felt defeated and uplifted upon pondering the beauty of the gospel. I wish that every college student who loves JESUS would attend camp Marannook so that they could see the special place that it is. I want to encourage any college students with a free summer of even a possible free summer to strongly consider camp. I promise you when you surrender to submitting your summer to the LORD in this way it is truly a blessing. Let me just put it this way- are you willing to sacrifice your summer for the ONE who sacrificed HIS life for you?
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