I can count on my own two hands the things that I am passionate about- truly passionate about. I'm passionate about the beauty and value found in the tiny details of nature. I'm passionate about a good story with a good moral to it. I'm passionate about what a true and genuine relationship should look like. I'm passionate about writing. I'm passionate about peanut butter, plants, and my people group. However, despite the things I find myself passionate about there is only one thing that truly drives me- that is this faith I believe. This faith that has been granted to me not of my own accord has driven me to say goodbye to comfort and community on more than one occasion. I said goodbye to the comfort of a job I was good at and the community that came with it. I said goodbye to the comfort of AC at a church with a community I loved for my current "farm church". The thing is that leaving my previous job and church opened the door for more ministry and the opportunity to build new community. I've learned that the mission field is a WHOLE lot bigger than I could ever imagined. There have been tears, triumphs, fears, failures, and fruition in this season of my life. I wouldn't change a single moment for anything this world can offer. My current job gives me the opportunity to love broken people every single day. For those of you who don't yet know this about me I work full time in respite care for individuals with special needs- mainly with toddlers with special needs. It can be one of the hardest, yet most rewarding jobs I have ever encountered. I see the gospel of how GOD loves ALL the time. Patience is not something I see as a mere want or suggestion- I NEED it, and thankfully my GOD is a GOD who provides.
So why bring all this up to mention my faith? Because of my faith I'm joyfully living the life I live. I'm not making bank working in respite at a non-profit organization. I don't have a handful friends in this season of my life- if anything I've lost many. I don't end every day on a high note. This season has been HARD, but it has been one of the most rewarding seasons of growth for me. This faith I believe has called me to this chapter of life and is bringing me through it. This faith I believe is the drive behind what I do and why I do it. This faith I believe makes me want to not merely believe, but follow CHRIST. This faith I believe brings me to an ongoing season that will never end...
If you want to know more you will just have to stay tuned.
Much love, Frances Hope
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