Lately I have found myself thinking more often of the crucifixion and death of CHRIST. The pain, shame, betrayal, abandonment, and heartache for the sake of mankind. What gets me most is the mockery- "If YOU are the SON of GOD, come down and save YOURSELF." Let me be clear here, JESUS is the SON of GOD. HE is GOD HIMSELF through the TRINITY. JESUS did not sin. HE had every right to come down from the cross, BUT HE didn't. HE stayed on the cross in agonizing pain as the FATHER turned HIS face away. As HE pulled up on HIS wounds scraping the torn skin on HIS back against the wood, pulling up against the nails in HIS hands and feet- HE spoke HIS final words: "It is finished.". YOU see JESUS could have rightfully come down from the cross, but love held HIM there. HE had a mission to accomplish, and HE saw it through to the very end despite the overwhelming pain and suffering. This is our motivation. As saints in CHRIST we ought not surrender to the suffering, but we must overcome it. Which brings me to the three things I want to share with you: motivation, mindset, and the mission.
If you're anything like me some days motivation is hard to find. You have to muster it up and remind yourself to just do it. That dreaded thing you need to get done? The goal you want to accomplish? The task you have been procrastinating? Just do it. Allow me to let you in on a little secret, something I have learned the hard way- ready? Motivation doesn't just magically appear. *poof*. I know!! Shocker!! Right?! Well my friend, it's true. If your waiting for motivation you'll never accomplish anything. You just have to do it. Put all distractions aside and just get it done. Motivation is picking up your front foot and taking that first step. You just have to take a step, and do it.
If your nothing like me you never have to redirect your mindset. Unlike me, you never have to tell yourself mid thought- to focus on the task at hand. Focus! If you are like me then.... well I pity you. Listen, it's hard and I do not discount the difficulty of having to renew your mind- because I know that struggle. Hashtag the struggle is real. BUT you can do it. You can renew your mindset and find focus again. It takes a lot of discipline and a whole lot of grace- but you can do it. First, you must dwell on and rest in the grace of CHRIST. Second, you must have grace for yourself (easier said than done). Dear one, remember this above all as you strive for the renewal of your mind: you can't do it alone, and you don't have to. CHRIST is sufficient.
The mission. THE Mission. THEE MISSION!!! JESUS CHRIST is our perfect example. HE finished HIS purpose on earth. HE bit the bullet when it got hard and HE followed through to the end. You may wonder- what is my mission? Maybe you're at that point in your life where you just don't know what you're "calling" is. Welcome to the struggle of all mankind. If you deny that statement and that you never struggled with that.... maybe it's time you braced that thought for a moment. I'll wait. ........Ready to continue? Guess what?! If you are in CHRIST- I know your mission. *Insert bomb explosion sound here* I know right?! Mind blown. Your mission is to make disciples of all nations, and glorify GOD with your every breath and doing. You're welcome. Now you might be saying "but, what about, like, my job or career or this relationship...". Listen Linda honey, you're over thinking it!!!! In the famous words of Kevin DeYoung- "Just do something". You can't mess up GOD's plan honey- you're not that powerful. Now let me clarify, I am not giving you permission to do something stupid that is clearly against scripture. You do need to be discerning, and ask GOD for wisdom- but sitting on your tush anxiously worrying about what to do will not solve anything. So get out of bed or off the couch- right now- hit your knees and talk to GOD. HE is faithful to lead and guide you. Get this, better than anyone HE knows your mission and HE is for you.
So my beloved friends, brothers, sisters- remember the cross. Take the first step even if you feel unmotivated. Rest in the grace of CHRIST as you strive for the renewal of your mind. Remember the mission of CHRIST at Calvary, and let this lead you in life as you seek to live out your mission. Know you are not alone, and in HIM you can overcome the most difficult of obstacles. In grace, peace, love, and truth...
Much Love, Frances Hope
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