Tuesday, October 13, 2020

It is Finished

      Lately I have found myself thinking more often of the crucifixion and death of CHRIST. The pain, shame, betrayal, abandonment, and heartache for the sake of mankind. What gets me most is the mockery- "If YOU are the SON of GOD, come down and save YOURSELF." Let me be clear here, JESUS is the SON of GOD. HE is GOD HIMSELF through the TRINITY. JESUS did not sin. HE had every right to come down from the cross, BUT HE didn't. HE stayed on the cross in agonizing pain as the FATHER turned HIS face away. As HE pulled up on HIS wounds scraping the torn skin on HIS back against the wood, pulling up against the nails in HIS hands and feet- HE spoke HIS final words: "It is finished.". YOU see JESUS could have rightfully come down from the cross, but love held HIM there. HE had a mission to accomplish, and HE saw it through to the very end despite the overwhelming pain and suffering. This is our motivation. As saints in CHRIST we ought not surrender to the suffering, but we must overcome it. Which brings me to the three things I want to share with you: motivation, mindset, and the mission. 

     If you're anything like me some days motivation is hard to find. You have to muster it up and remind yourself to just do it. That dreaded thing you need to get done? The goal you want to accomplish? The task you have been procrastinating? Just do it. Allow me to let you in on a little secret, something I have learned the hard way- ready? Motivation doesn't just magically appear. *poof*. I know!! Shocker!! Right?! Well my friend, it's true. If your waiting for motivation you'll never accomplish anything. You just have to do it. Put all distractions aside and just get it done. Motivation is picking up your front foot and taking that first step. You just have to take a step, and do it. 

     If your nothing like me you never have to redirect your mindset. Unlike me, you never have to tell yourself mid thought- to focus on the task at hand. Focus! If you are like me then.... well I pity you. Listen, it's hard and I do not discount the difficulty of having to renew your mind- because I know that struggle. Hashtag the struggle is real. BUT you can do it. You can renew your mindset and find focus again. It takes a lot of discipline and a whole lot of grace- but you can do it. First, you must dwell on and rest in the grace of CHRIST. Second, you must have grace for yourself (easier said than done). Dear one, remember this above all as you strive for the renewal of your mind: you can't do it alone, and you don't have to. CHRIST is sufficient. 

     The mission. THE Mission. THEE MISSION!!! JESUS CHRIST is our perfect example. HE finished HIS purpose on earth. HE bit the bullet when it got hard and HE followed through to the end. You may wonder- what is my mission? Maybe you're at that point in your life where you just don't know what you're "calling" is. Welcome to the struggle of all mankind. If you deny that statement and that you never struggled with that.... maybe it's time you braced that thought for a moment. I'll wait. ........Ready to continue? Guess what?! If you are in CHRIST- I know your mission. *Insert bomb explosion sound here* I know right?! Mind blown. Your mission is to make disciples of all nations, and glorify GOD with your every breath and doing. You're welcome. Now you might be saying "but, what about, like, my job or career or this relationship...". Listen Linda honey, you're over thinking it!!!! In the famous words of Kevin DeYoung- "Just do something". You can't mess up GOD's plan honey- you're not that powerful. Now let me clarify, I am not giving you permission to do something stupid that is clearly against scripture. You do need to be discerning, and ask GOD for wisdom- but sitting on your tush anxiously worrying about what to do will not solve anything. So get out of bed or off the couch- right now- hit your knees and talk to GOD. HE is faithful to lead and guide you. Get this, better than anyone HE knows your mission and HE is for you. 

     So my beloved friends, brothers, sisters- remember the cross. Take the first step even if you feel unmotivated. Rest in the grace of CHRIST as you strive for the renewal of your mind. Remember the mission of CHRIST at Calvary, and let this lead you in life as you seek to live out your mission. Know you are not alone, and in HIM you can overcome the most difficult of obstacles. In grace, peace, love, and truth...

Much Love, Frances Hope 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


      Do you want to hear a crazy idea?! Yes? Okay! Move in the middle of a pandemic when half the world is closed down, as a single individual, to a place you know LITTLE about. Oh! And do it without getting to say goodbye to the community you built for close to a decade. I mean it's not like it's that crazy...right? Hi, my name is Frances and I did just that. Let me be the first to say: it's NOT easy. Yes, I have my family and I do not take them for granted- but friends, and church community?....GONE! *snaps* Just like that. It gets real lonely real fast. BUT, I am not throwing a pity party blog- I'm writing this to share a few things I have learned over that past few months on this adventure. 

     1) Being intentional. (Side note: It comes with a few laughs). I'm the kind of person that would be okay on the side lines.. much like a wall flower- but I knew one thing: If I wanted to build community again I was going to have to put that aside. So, I showed up as a NEWBIE to NEW places and just introduced myself (even when on the inside I was a nervous wreck). I just started up conversation like I'd been there. I listened as they told me about about community and events. The fun part came when they realized I was new to the area and had NO idea what they were talking about. I quickly realized that if I was not intentional about reaching out community was not going to come. I mean, it would have been cool if it fell out of the sky like manna.... but 'fraid not. If I wanted to build community again I (me, myself) was going to have to be intentional to reach out. The blessing came when they reached back- which brings me to lesson numero 2. 

     2) "BUT GOD"! I am going to be a little transparent here. I was terrified I wouldn't be able to find another solid church and community here. I had my share of doubts, fears, and insecurities. BUT GOD, who is rich in mercy practically planted a new church in my lap. I mean what are the chances that the church I found (with the help of my aunt) would just be there? BUT boom, there it was. It was solid, my first pick of 3 churches that I had emailed, and coincidentally the only church that emailed me back and reached out. "BUT GOD". HE can. HE will. HE is faithful. I have had quite a few....many... a lot of "But GOD" moments over the past few months. The biggest one, you ask? There were times I felt anxious and alone, BUT GOD reminded me HE was there, and HE was not leaving my side. If anything I had that to comfort me. 

     3) The world doesn't fit in a snow globe. I had my bubble. I had a community that I knew and was well known by. Life was fine and dandy, and I didn't feel the need to venture out (well....pre-corona). But when I knew GOD was calling me to move forward I quickly learned there is so much more out there in the world. This is coming from a girl who has been oversees and visited other countries. I PRAYED about moving and I felt a huge peace about moving but not staying where I was. I never realized that there was more life out there in other places. That community could be built anywhere. Not like I have now. It's easy to stay in your snow globe, and difficult to break the glass- but when you do you can see so much more. It's messy. It's hard. It hurts. BUT GOD can show you so much more. 

                                                              With Love, Frances Hope


Saturday, April 11, 2020


     It's old news that we have all had to learn to adapt to our world's current situation, and a screen has become the new norm for connecting. Is "screen time" even a thing anymore? I'm not going to lie- I LOATHED the first part of quarantine, and I about LOST my mind. I, like many, was DOWN in the dumps as our world took a drastic turn. I went from working 2 jobs that I found purpose in- to having to sit still, and my "GO!" personality did not handle this well. HOWEVER, I am learning to adapt with the rest of the world to these current changes. I am striving to find fruitful and productive ways to spend this time. I have been reading more, I picked up my guitar for the first time in who knows how long, and have spent quite some time sitting in my hammock thinking. Honestly, as much as I am eager to get back to work I'm taking this time in, as I have been able to catch up with old friends and dig deeper into the word and my personal relationship with CHRIST. There will come a day when everything goes back to "normal", and I may miss SOME of this free tome. Emphasis on some! Ha! The good LORD has been teaching me quite a few things in this season, and I am excited to share them with you! So, here goes:
   1.) There is a purpose in every season.  We can either deny it, or joyfully submit to it. GOD is ultimately sovereign, and HE has not left HIS throne. HE is still in charge and has a purpose in this- EVEN IF we can't see what that is.

   2.) GOD is indeed HOLY. We are a wicked people, and GOD has the right to do what HE pleases. Our world has embraced wicked things, and acted out in wicked ways.
   GOD is merciful. The current situation does not change what CHRIST did on the cross. When HE said "it is finished" -HE meant it. When HE gave us the promise of eternal life (IF we are trusting in HIM)- HE has kept it. The tomb will still be empty tomorrow. 

   3.) Take nothing for granted. You never know when your last goodbye will be, nor the next time you will see someone again. Yet, you never know when you will get to see GOD work in THIS way again either. The time HE has given us is a chance to further seek HIS face. MANY who did not believe are starting to see that GOD is indeed REAL. This is an opportunity to share JESUS with people like never before.

   4.) It's okay to breathe. This one may seem kind of silly and a little petty... but I NEEDED it. I am the type to GIVE myself till I have nothing left. Sitting still is NOT my strong suit. However having a little time to myself to sit and think and breathe is GOOD for me. I have never seen the value in taking each day as it comes like I have now. 

   5.) Creativity comes in MANY forms. There is not one right way to be creative. There are different styles of art, and many forms and mediums within those styles. Art adapts in different periods of time. When my sweet photographer friend asked me to do this FaceTime photo shoot with her- I gladly cleared my schedule.... (ha.ha.ha).  Here are the results of her work: 

When kitty interupts, haha!...

Follow my oh so talented friend on Facebook and Instagram! [Christina Paz Photography and Rooted Tapestry Co]. Seriously, go do it! Christina has a huge heart for family history and capturing the moments that matter. She is a sweet soul that puts her heart into her work AND it shows! She does not disappoint. She took my family photos a couple years back and we all FELL in love with the images she captured. She cares for the story behind each photo as much as she cares about the details. She loves to capture the light that shines from the sun, and from the heart of every individual. She is so dear to my heart, and I hope someday you get to see her personally in action- I'm telling you she is one of a kind!

Much Love, Frances Hope

Sunday, March 29, 2020

A Holy Response

     I personally know it all to well- the weight of the world's current situation weighing on our shoulders. The pandemic is spreading faster than we can catch our breath. Fear and concern for those we love staring us blatantly in the face as the number of cases rise. A tiny microscopic organism keeping us away from church, work, vacations, and seeing those we love. Many are trying to find answers in a time such as this- "why GOD?". There are so many conspiracy theories looking to the probability of prophetic scripture- "Is this what it was pointing to?". Maybe. Maybe not. Here is what I do know- the truth must prevail, and the church must respond to these times in it. Here are some truths I want to focus on in times such as these: 1) GOD is holy, 2) GOD is merciful, and 3) Our response should be in a holy fear.
 GOD is holy. GOD has the full right to do whatever HE so pleases. The world is wicked and evil, and HE is just to punish if HE pleases. We have strayed from godly obedience. We have denied our purpose in our GOD ordained design. We have defied HIM. We have sinned greatly against the ONE WHO created us to glorify HIM. HE is pure, righteous, good, just, and holy. HE is above all and in all. HE is omniscient, enthroned and the CREATOR of all things. We have ALL sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD. We stand no chance before HIS holy throne on our own accord. There is condemnation for those who do not trust in HIM. There is a rightful eternal separation from HIM for those who do not turn from their wicked ways. When GOD flooded the earth, in the time of Noah and the ark, HE was just to obliterate wicked mankind. When GOD passed over Egypt, at the time of Passover, GOD was just to obliterate wicked mankind. GOD is holy and mankind is wicked and evil.

     GOD is merciful. I want the weight of the last paragraph to sink in for a minute before we dig into this truth. The holiness of GOD emphasizes HIS mercy. Mercy is GOD denying to give us what we rightfully deserve. We deserve condemnation, but HE withholds it from us. When GOD flooded the earth HE also instructed Noah to build an ark and to bring in his family and 2 of every kind of animal. GOD had mercy on Noah and HIS creation. When GOD passed over Egypt HE had mercy on HIS people instructing them to put lamb's blood over their doorpost. When GOD saw a wicked and evil world HE sent HIS BELOVED SON to take the place of sinful mankind at Calvary, and POURED HIS wrath upon HIM. GOD is indeed merciful in the face of an absolutely wicked and undeserving world.

     Our response should be in a holy fear. Noah built the ark on dry land. Why on earth build a giant boat when the earth was dry? Noah believed and trusted GOD and that HE would do as HE said HE would even if it seemed crazy. This is holy fear. Moses instructed the people to spread the lamb's blood that they may be spared and they did so. This is holy fear- to know GOD has the right for vengeance. We must live a life in the pursuit of holiness. We must seek GOD in these wicked times. We must fall into repentance asking for GOD's mercy in our own lives and in the life of our world. We must surrender what we desire exchanging them for the desire to know GOD more. We must kneel with our faces on the floor before a holy GOD asking HIM to guide us through these times. We must pray for and love one another in the midst of a quarantine striving for a holy unity as GOD has desired and intended for mankind.

     This is my prayer in these times:
YOU are high and holy. YOU are above all and in all. YOU are enthroned and sovereign. YOU are just and right in all that YOU do. FATHER, we are a wicked nation, undeserving of YOUR mercy. We have fallen away from our created purpose and sought after lesser gods. Thank YOU FATHER for sending YOUR SON to take our place at the cross. FATHER, I ask that YOU have mercy on YOUR people. Turn YOUR face from YOUR anger. Be gracious to us though we are undeserving. Lead and guide us to be lights in the midst of this dark world for the advancement of YOUR kingdom. FATHER, I plead before YOUR holy throne that YOU would bring a greater number of people to YOURSELF. FATHER, teach us how to love one another well during these times. FATHER, use my ransomed life in any way YOU choose. 
In YOUR holy and precious name. 

Much love, Frances Hope

Sunday, March 15, 2020

For the Love of Hurting Hearts

    I've pondered quite a bit lately on an anonymous prayer request expressing a genuine struggle with personal sin. Honestly this person's transparency in their struggles convicts my heart and makes me want to commend them. So often I have observed that people are so quick to respond to the practical service of others, but so slow to ask "How's your heart?". Don't get me wrong sometimes we need practical help, but more often we need prayer to endure this broken world as broken beings. As someone who personally struggles with depression I feel a greater sense of mercy for hurting hearts. What if we were as intentional to fill hearts as we were bellies? What if we were less concerned about cultural and generational differences and focused more on the common goal of our pursuit of CHRIST? What if we were more faithful to fight for unity rather than dwell on diversity? ESPECIALLY in the church body! This world is broken and we are broken people. The realization of depravity should lead us to be more intentional to care for and pray for one another. This is my prayer and my plea- that in all circumstances the gospel would prevail. When you are striving to love someone that is hard to love with the love of CHRIST- keep striving calling to mind the love the HOLY GOD has towards you. When you know a brother or sister is struggling help them with their physical need AND ask them how you can pray for their heart, pouring truth into them. If you are someone who is suffering be honest and transparent choosing wisely who you seek council from. Brother, sister, and friend- I challenge and I plead with you to care for one another with a gospel saturated love. In a world full of division fight for unity, caring for the hearts of those around you. Serve boldly, love deeply, and press forward running your race.

     Much Love, Frances Hope

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Dear Twenties,

Dear twenties,
     I have a love hate relationship with you. Why? I love you, because your made up of a lot of self discovery. I hate you.... because your made up of a lot of self discovery. You consume so much trial and error, and so many life lessons. The world tells you where you ought to be in life, and you begin to deeply realize you have a long way to go before "figuring it all out". I fall, I rise, and I fall again. The good news is I'm over half way through these years.... the bad news I'm starting to realize ALL of life will be like this. BUT one day I'll look back and...maybe I'll miss you? Or maybe not. Only time will tell. Dear twenties, if I didn't have JESUS I don't know how I could handle these years.

     There are so many bible verses that are thrown our way in our twenties- Jeremiah 29:11 seems to meet the top of that list. "I don't know what to do next"- Jeremiah 29:11. "I don't know what degree I should go for?" -Jeremiah 29:11. "I'm having a mid-twenties crisis!"-Jeremiah 29:11. So you begin to think "if only I preached Jeremiah 29:11 over myself better and believed hard enough then maybe things would be better!" Well, dear friend, I understand that thought and the train of thoughts that follow it. I can't tell you I've been there, but I can tell you I am there. So fellow twenty something year old I have something that will ACTUALLY help you (LORD willing). Try reading Jeremiah 29: 1-23 and then tell me how you feel. Context is essential. Let's zoom in on Jeremiah 29: 4-14. We see that this is a letter written to exiles and it doesn't merely say "believe harder"- it a letter giving instruction. Do you need to believe that the LORD holds your future? Absolutely! But dear friend, you wont figure it out sitting on your bum. The first plan of action is to take action and JUST DO SOMETHING (Which by the way is a great read by Kevin DeYoung). The people were instructed to work (and work hard) to build homes and to seek the welfare of the city. They were instructed to build a life here on earth (NOT a kingdom there is a difference!). Secondly (yet foremost) they were told to seek the LORD and to pray to HIM. Then they are promised that they would find HIM when they seek HIM with their whole heart. GOD gives both saving grace and common grace, and HE gives grace to receive grace. Rest in that.

     SO dear fellow twenty something year old, don't lose hope. When your thirties come.... read Jeremiah 29 again and meditate on the same truths as you do now. HIS word is forever. Overwhelmed? I feel you! Just breathe. Don't know what to do? More than half the time, me either! Seek wise counsel. Wandering what to do next? ME TO! My advice? Just do something....and read Kevin DeYoung's book. Rest, meditate, and live out Jeremiah 29- act, build, seek, pray, serve, and let the LORD lead you.

Sincerely, a fellow twenty something year old. 

Much love, Frances Hope

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

When Discipline Meets Desire

     My alarm goes off every weekday morning at 5 AM to remind me to get up and get in the word before I get ready to head to work. For the past year and some odd months I have consistently stuck to my bible reading plan. The discipline is all there- desire on the other hand is the hard part. Doubt, distraction, and depression can hinder the longing to come to GOD's word. What if I have the desire to desire HIS word- does that count for anything? Discipline will bring me to the word, but when habit hits I often end up with the same empty feeling prior to coming to HIS word. Surely, I'm not alone in this. Have you ever wandered what it would be like when discipline met desire? 

     The past couple months have consisted of walking through and enduring a dark valley. There has been much heartache, there has been grief and loss, and there has been a deepening realization of the fall of man. Feeling the weight of your own sin is hard enough, and when you add the grief that comes from the sin of those around you- there. just. aren't. words. This world is in a deep need for CHRIST, and I have felt the weight of that lately. Discipline reminds me that I need to stop in that moment and pray. Desire is what keeps me coming back to pray again. 

    Depression, doubt, and distraction can taint our view of what desire is- at least I can say that statement is true for myself. I want desire to be a feeling of nearness and intimacy with my SAVIOR. Then I remind myself of this truth: "We walk by faith". Faith is not a feeling. We are not saved by our feelings. ALL praise be to GOD we are not saved by our feelings! We are saved by grace through faith. That's when discipline meets desire, and the realization that they go hand in hand comes in. When discipline meets desire they together continuously bring us back to HIS word and to prayer. I'm not saying I have it all figured out now- I don't by any means. I cannot stand before you today and tell you I have the perfect explanation of discipline and desire. This is what I do know surrendering, repentance, and declaring the need for CHRIST has been one of the sweetest gifts to me in this season of my life. When I have felt on overwhelming sense of loss and loneliness I have poured out my heart to GOD! I have pleaded that HE draw near to me giving me a deepening desire for HIM- and HE has been faithful. Fellow Christian, if you’re suffering or down cast with and overwhelming sense of emptiness know that you are not alone. Keep praying, giving thanks in ALL circumstances, because we serve a GOD who will never forsake.  

Much Love, Frances Hope