Wednesday, August 31, 2016

HE has Made Me Beauti-FULL!

I am not waiting for my love story to happen because it already has, and therefore I will not wait to experience the little things that express how special it is (for me it was the photo shoot).  I have already come to know and even more so be known by the ONE I love dearly and will further love me unconditionally. I am constantly learning more of who HE is and dwelling in HIS wonderful attributes. HE is the most honest, faithful, and compassionate being that I will ever know. HE constantly keeps HIS promises, and I love HIM so much for this. HE is my ABBA, my BELOVED, my BEST FRIEND- HE is my GOD. NO one will ever be capable of loving the way HE does. HE has pursued me to the point of death on a cross. HE has chosen me, therefore I am not waiting to live my life in hope of a lesser love story. So many are waiting, seeking, and spinning in circles trying to fill the void with a lesser love that will never- no never satisfy, but as for me- I refuse. There is none that will ever come close to comparison- no, not one. There is not a more profound and intimate love than that that HE holds. Psalm 139 says that HE has intricately woven us, and knows our every hour for HE has written them in HIS book- it does not get more intimate than that! I stand firmly in my knowledge that there is not a greater love story out there than that of GOD's sacrificial love- and so I tell you "I am not waiting."- are you?

     We live in a world that promotes a seductive, maintained, up-to-date outer appearance that abandons any focus on inner character. All that seeking to perfect outer appearance does is leave us wanting more, because it will never be enough! Never! The cycle of trends will only continue to constantly change leaving you feeling like your always one step behind. Attire is one insatiable want, but it is not the only one- because the world is selling you a ideal body shape, and telling you the do's and don't of covering your facial "flaws". The world is screaming lies out to you, but only to hide the gentle whisper of GOD's voice saying "come to me." If you are seeking to please the world's standard of beautiful you will only feel empty and like you will never be good enough, because in their eyes- you wont. I am telling you this because I know I have been there- yet I chose to stop and listen to HIS quiet and gentle voice say "come, and seek MY face". The more you chose to seek HIS face instead of worrying about perfecting your own- the more you will start to feel the weight of the lies lift of your shoulders. After you let go of the lies you will start to feel it for the first time- beauti-FULL. My dear, inner character that is shaped by the hand of GOD comes from within. Inner beauty is that of a gentle and quiet spirit which is precious in HIS eyes (1 Peter 3:3-4)  "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." (Proverbs 31:30) Dwell in the radiance of inner character my dear.

    Dear friends know this truth: "modesty is more than covering your physical body- it's about the intentions of the heart." Of whom are you seeking to please? If you are after the attention and approval of an onlooking world be prepared to continuosly feel empty. If you are after their attention constantly seeking to "perfect" your appearance you are forsaking the very heart of modesty. Seeking for their attention will only leave you on a continuous search to fill the void that cannot be filled by that besides GOD alone. So I charge you dear one "stop!" and listen to HIS gentle, quiet, and truth filled whisper!

     Lastly, I want you to know the meaning of my ring (pictured below)- it is not what you think. Today the world is selling the trend of the "purity ring"- of which I am not fully opposed, but yet a part of me is. I do not support the full idea of the purity ring, because I know how quickly it can become a symbol of self-righteousness and legalism. The main idea behind the purity ring is to remain pure for that special someone, but what does that mean? Apart from CHRIST no one is truly pure- for all have sinned. -Pause- I do fully stand in support of remaining physically pure outside and inside of biblical marriage.- Resume- So no it is not a purity ring. This ring is a symbol of HIS steadfast and unchanging love for me. On the inside of my ring is engraved "Romans 8:37-39" to remind me that nothing can separate me from HIS love- not even my own sin. The Ichthus or "JESUS fish" as many call it is a symbol of persecuted christians in history past that clung to the very truth of HIS unseparable love- and that is the love that I today cling to. So dear friends- if you hear anything of what I am saying hear this "only JESUS can satisfy for their is no greater love than HIS sacrificial love".

In a nutshell: 1) My point was to show that yes there are things reserved for marriage, but it's okay to eat of your fine china (or experience a photo shoot) while you are single. GOD calls us to different seasons of life and there is beauty in embracing them with contentment.
2) I wanted to show you that taking pictures that make you feel pretty don't have to appear seductive, and you don't have to dress in a physically revealing way.  True beauty comes inward out!
So, do you feel beauti-FULL?
Much love and gratitude, Frances Hope
Special thanks to: 
*Christina Paz for taking wonderful pictures and making me feel naturally beautiful in the process, for encouraging the very heart of my reasoning behind this shoot: to take pictures that were proper opposed to the world's standards.
*Anna Bryson for "directing", and making me laugh. Thank you for seeking the LORD in the midst of this beautiful season of singleness alongside me. 
*The Posh Peach for loaning your lovely clothes to us for this shoot!
*B Anderson for this beautiful flower garland!
*MyChurch for letting us use your land for this shoot.
*Most of all: Thank you JESUS for stealing, holding, and caring for my heart so well!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Back in the "Real" World!

All I can say is "Ahhhhhhhh!". What a faithful GOD I serve who provides so much for me, even when my heart is full of doubt! Seriously, HE has blown me away with the ways HE keeps providing. Don't get me wrong- I do not believe in a prosperity gospel- but that's why it blows me away so much! I don't deserve it, and all I need is HIM alone- yet HE provides all the little things I need in this life. Just when I reach that moment of I'm not going to make it- HE provides. Just when I think I won't be able to support myself financially HE gives. Bills don't pay themselves and I am crunched as I am in the process of looking for a job as I return back to school. What an amazing faithful GOD I serve who provides all that I need and more even in the midst of my doubting heart! Yet even if HE did not provide for me the things of this broken life I know I would have all that I need, because I have HIM- my BELOVED ABBA!

Oh, I suppose you want to hear about camp! I apologize (sort of, but not really-because it's who I am) for my giddy heart, and that the thought almost escaped me! In a nutshell camp was- well "sanctifying"! Seriously, I have become even more aware of my sin than I was before, and the process  was not an easy road. If you know me at all than you already know there were tears, and lots of them. After all I am 95% emotional and 5% (a generous ammount) rational. I am so thankful that the summer was a rocky road of sanctification- because it lead me to HIM more, and because of that I feel my heart is better prepared for the road that lies ahead....
Until next time!
Love always, Frances Hope

Saturday, July 23, 2016

A Note from the Nook. (#2)

Well here I am again writting to update those who may be reading this. (Sorry for the brief and jumbled update- time is a precious thing). Camp is coming to an end with only a week and a half in the running. Two and a half months in and it seems like I have been here for years. The LORD has surely been stretching me to the max this summer. There has been much laughter, many tears, and many more memories as I have had the privilege to serve others. The realization that serving is a privilege did not come easy. I was reading Galatians when it hit me- GOD does NOT need to use me, but HE chooses to. HE is perfectly capable of doing things on HIS own, yet HE chooses to use sinful, emotional, messed up me! Serving HIM and being used by HIM is above what I deserve. I am ruined by sin and HE has chosen to redeem me for HIS service that HE might be glorified. Talk about a humbling knock upside the head. Yet I must be cautious for in becoming selfless- self righteousness can disguise itself and drag one downward. I know and feel the enemy working against me as I seek to serve the LORD. The road has been rocky, but as always GOD has been faithful.
Much love, Frances Hope

Thursday, June 16, 2016

A Note from the Nook. (#1)

Here I am sitting in "my office" pondering upon the LORD's work eager to share what HE is doing with you. I will not deny that there have been tears and strife as the LORD has been shaping me the past 3(ish) weeks. HE has been humbling me that I might be a better servant to HIM and others, and it appears HIS choice tool is a chisel.  I must put others constantly before myself and living that out is much harder than simply knowing it. I have become more and more aware of my sin, yet it draws me back to grace. Sweet, steadfast, unceasing grace! The truth is I have failed. I have failed to love my brothers and sisters before myself. I have failed to be in the word. I have failed to be selfless. I have failed to be mindful. I have overall failed. I have wept for my shortcomings, and I have wept in gratitude of grace. I am so thankful to be serving a merciful GOD who has lead me so well. HE is my ABBA and I am constantly drawn back to HIS steadfast love (sometimes by force). Being on Program staff is not the same in the slightest way, because it literally means to put others before yourself. I am learning what it means to lead, and what it means to truly submit to authority. Both require the act of putting others needs and sometimes wants first. I am dwelling on the truth that JESUS came to serve and not to be served. I'm thankful that HE is compassionate and sympathetic. So if your wondering if HE is working- the answer is yes, and in more ways than you know.
Much love, Frances

Friday, May 20, 2016

Future Pending....

Well today is that day. The day I take my first step towards tomorrow, and leave behind all that defined yesterday. I jump from the cliffs of stability, from all that was good and comfortable into the depths of uncertainty. I'm excited and terrified in the same breath. I prayed and pondered and now through faith, and a little fear I am responding in obedience to the LORD's calling for me. I am leaving a job that I loved, with godly women who encouraged me and spoke truth unto my heart so often. Soon I will be leaving the home in which I have always known. I am running the path that is set before me, because I'm afraid to slow down or else I might turn back around. I am praying "dear ABBA I will obey you, I will trust you, and I will have faith that you will guide me... But help me to do all these things as I know due to sin nature I will fail." The waters of uncertainty of tomorrow suround me, and I choose through grace to surrender in it. Now all that I know is that HE holds my tomorrow, and all that I can see is that my future is pending.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Beautiful Surrenderence

  This past year has brought much adversity to my life. I will spare you from such a long list of trials, but I will tell you I regret none of it. For in adversity faith is strengthened, and courage developed. James 1 has been my go to in this season of my life. For I (completely and undoubtly by the LORD enabling grace) have been able to stand steadfast under trial. I have a reached a beautiful point of surrenderence that can only be experienced inwardly and in a state of worship. Though my shoulders are often weighed down with strife- my heart is light. It is lovely to be here. Beautiful, freeing surrenderence. The next chapter in my life is taking a big turn with many changes, but I have reached a point of trust in the LORD that frees my heavy heart- and I know, oh that I know this inward gift is from the LORD.

"Blessed is the man who perserveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the LORD has promised to those who love HIM." -James 1:12

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Camp Marannook

I was sixteen when I first responded to the gospel and over the years GOD has used many tools to draw me closer to HIM- Marannook is one of the greatest. I was so priviliged to study HIS word like never before for 100 plus hours, and grow in intimacy with my HEAVENLY FATHER, my ABBA. It was the best summer I had ever committed to regarding the LORD's work in my life and the lives of children. Surely it was a sacrifice of abandoning any selfish desire to spend my time however I felt, but I do not regret it one bit! I know that many fear the commitment that it requires, and I understand. I feel I can speak on behalf of my entire training staff and say we all understand and none of us regret that we gave up our summer. On one hand I could talk about Marannook forever, and on the other there aren't enough words to describe such an experience. I remember reading Romans and just weeping tears of grief and joy simultaneously as I let the gospel saturate my heart. I vividly remember speaking to our mentor and bible teacher and repeating over and over "I don't deserve it, but I don't have to earn it" as I just felt defeated and uplifted upon pondering the beauty of the gospel. I wish that every college student who loves JESUS would attend camp Marannook so that they could see the special place that it is. I want to encourage any college students with a free summer of even a possible free summer to strongly consider camp. I promise you when you surrender to submitting your summer to the LORD in this way it is truly a blessing. Let me just put it this way- are you willing to sacrifice your summer for the ONE who sacrificed HIS life for you?

Monday, April 11, 2016

Leeching or Loving

Where do I even start? How about James Chapter one, because that seems to be the theme of my life right now. This season of my life has been a continuation of sanctifying trials back to back, and I don't always "consider it pure joy".  So often I get caught up in wanting to question GOD's motives for my suffering that I forget HE is shaping me to be "perfect and complete, lacking in nothing".  I am learning endurance on a level that I never would have dreamt of, and probably never would have asked for- thank the LORD it isn't up to me!

Endurance however is not the only thing I have been learning lately, but even also what it means to love. True, genuine, sacrificial love is something I find myself crawling back to and seeking my heart to extend to others. The old saying "love hurts" -well I think I'm starting to get it now. Love often means letting go, and it often brings heart ache. Yet when my heart hurts that's when I know I have loved, because nothing else could feel the same (I feel like I sound like the tin man). I prayed for discernment in love, and I truly feel the LORD is in the midst of answering that prayer. There is a difference between what I call "leeching" and loving. Leeching takes place- well when you are taking, while loving requires giving. Love gives and doesnt expect anything in return. Love often requires a hard truth to be spoken that can leave another in heartache as well. Love isn't always easy to give, and it isn't always easy to receive. Leeching benefits no one in the long run, but pleases many in the moment. Love often hurts in the moment, but benefits many in the long run. And that is why I choose to love....

Monday, February 29, 2016

Admitting and Facing Difficulty


It's often easier to put on a smile and keep going than to admit your struggling, and broken. Yet the Christian walk calls us to be transparent- admitting that we are broken. That is why we are in high need of a savior. Our flesh is completely incapable of enduring trial alone. Yet (as I can only speak for myself) I still find myself smiling rather than admitting my world is falling apart. Why? Because my flesh knows that it is easier. What a disservice it is to act like everything is sunshine and rainbows all the time. I have been guilty of such- for that I greatly apologize.

Transparency is a difficult, yet a necessary thing. Being transparent is showing your evident need for Christ. The bible has multiple accounts of God's children being transparent during trial. How transparent? Well they wrote books about it. These books have been combined in the "good book". This book has been translated in multiple languages, and been the best seller for generations on end. Now that's transparent! These men wrote a detailed account of how they endured. Examples including David as he endured under the hands of his enemies, Jeremiah as he cries out in Lamentations, and Paul as he was imprisoned. If the bible is made up of so many accounts of transparent men- why do we shy from being transparent ourselves? Again it's a flesh thing. It's so much easier to smile and keep going than to be open and honest. Now I'm not saying we should mope around and invite everyone to a pity party. So what is the option here? (Remember I am telling myself all of this as I share it with you). The option is.... to smile. I know. I know. I just said we should be transparent under trial. Yes! We should! The option is to smile knowing that God is sanctifying us as we struggle. I definitely find that something worth smiling about.

As Jeremiah, David, and Paul endured they praised God. Like in Lamentations 3: Jeremiah cries out to God as he endures, and he accepts God's sovereignty. "Remember my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and the gall! My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me. But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope; "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him." The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him." (Lamentations 3:19-25) Like in Psalm when David cries out under trouble: "Incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. Preserve my life, for I am godly; save your servant, who trusts in you- you are my God. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all the day. Gladden the heart of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift my soul. For you are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you." (Psalm 86:1-5)

Facing difficulty and admitting it are two very different yet similar things. Facing struggle is like admitting it to yourself and asking God for help. Struggle is not something to be ashamed of, but something to rejoice in knowing that God is at hand. He is working in you, and me through trial. Romans 5:1-5 tells us "Therefore since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." James 1: 2-4 says "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." Both of these passages inform us of what good things struggle produce in us. They clearly inform us that struggle and trial are good for us. They remind us that we must rejoice in them. So let it be done.

The challenge? Be transparent. Just like the men in the bible. Like David, Jeremiah, and Paul -praise God as you do so. Like Romans and James remind us rejoice in your struggles knowing they produce good in us. Being transparent with others you trust and know will be in prayer for you is a good thing. It is something I myself am gradually learning to do.