Saturday, January 25, 2020

Dear Twenties,

Dear twenties,
     I have a love hate relationship with you. Why? I love you, because your made up of a lot of self discovery. I hate you.... because your made up of a lot of self discovery. You consume so much trial and error, and so many life lessons. The world tells you where you ought to be in life, and you begin to deeply realize you have a long way to go before "figuring it all out". I fall, I rise, and I fall again. The good news is I'm over half way through these years.... the bad news I'm starting to realize ALL of life will be like this. BUT one day I'll look back and...maybe I'll miss you? Or maybe not. Only time will tell. Dear twenties, if I didn't have JESUS I don't know how I could handle these years.

     There are so many bible verses that are thrown our way in our twenties- Jeremiah 29:11 seems to meet the top of that list. "I don't know what to do next"- Jeremiah 29:11. "I don't know what degree I should go for?" -Jeremiah 29:11. "I'm having a mid-twenties crisis!"-Jeremiah 29:11. So you begin to think "if only I preached Jeremiah 29:11 over myself better and believed hard enough then maybe things would be better!" Well, dear friend, I understand that thought and the train of thoughts that follow it. I can't tell you I've been there, but I can tell you I am there. So fellow twenty something year old I have something that will ACTUALLY help you (LORD willing). Try reading Jeremiah 29: 1-23 and then tell me how you feel. Context is essential. Let's zoom in on Jeremiah 29: 4-14. We see that this is a letter written to exiles and it doesn't merely say "believe harder"- it a letter giving instruction. Do you need to believe that the LORD holds your future? Absolutely! But dear friend, you wont figure it out sitting on your bum. The first plan of action is to take action and JUST DO SOMETHING (Which by the way is a great read by Kevin DeYoung). The people were instructed to work (and work hard) to build homes and to seek the welfare of the city. They were instructed to build a life here on earth (NOT a kingdom there is a difference!). Secondly (yet foremost) they were told to seek the LORD and to pray to HIM. Then they are promised that they would find HIM when they seek HIM with their whole heart. GOD gives both saving grace and common grace, and HE gives grace to receive grace. Rest in that.

     SO dear fellow twenty something year old, don't lose hope. When your thirties come.... read Jeremiah 29 again and meditate on the same truths as you do now. HIS word is forever. Overwhelmed? I feel you! Just breathe. Don't know what to do? More than half the time, me either! Seek wise counsel. Wandering what to do next? ME TO! My advice? Just do something....and read Kevin DeYoung's book. Rest, meditate, and live out Jeremiah 29- act, build, seek, pray, serve, and let the LORD lead you.

Sincerely, a fellow twenty something year old. 

Much love, Frances Hope

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

When Discipline Meets Desire

     My alarm goes off every weekday morning at 5 AM to remind me to get up and get in the word before I get ready to head to work. For the past year and some odd months I have consistently stuck to my bible reading plan. The discipline is all there- desire on the other hand is the hard part. Doubt, distraction, and depression can hinder the longing to come to GOD's word. What if I have the desire to desire HIS word- does that count for anything? Discipline will bring me to the word, but when habit hits I often end up with the same empty feeling prior to coming to HIS word. Surely, I'm not alone in this. Have you ever wandered what it would be like when discipline met desire? 

     The past couple months have consisted of walking through and enduring a dark valley. There has been much heartache, there has been grief and loss, and there has been a deepening realization of the fall of man. Feeling the weight of your own sin is hard enough, and when you add the grief that comes from the sin of those around you- there. just. aren't. words. This world is in a deep need for CHRIST, and I have felt the weight of that lately. Discipline reminds me that I need to stop in that moment and pray. Desire is what keeps me coming back to pray again. 

    Depression, doubt, and distraction can taint our view of what desire is- at least I can say that statement is true for myself. I want desire to be a feeling of nearness and intimacy with my SAVIOR. Then I remind myself of this truth: "We walk by faith". Faith is not a feeling. We are not saved by our feelings. ALL praise be to GOD we are not saved by our feelings! We are saved by grace through faith. That's when discipline meets desire, and the realization that they go hand in hand comes in. When discipline meets desire they together continuously bring us back to HIS word and to prayer. I'm not saying I have it all figured out now- I don't by any means. I cannot stand before you today and tell you I have the perfect explanation of discipline and desire. This is what I do know surrendering, repentance, and declaring the need for CHRIST has been one of the sweetest gifts to me in this season of my life. When I have felt on overwhelming sense of loss and loneliness I have poured out my heart to GOD! I have pleaded that HE draw near to me giving me a deepening desire for HIM- and HE has been faithful. Fellow Christian, if you’re suffering or down cast with and overwhelming sense of emptiness know that you are not alone. Keep praying, giving thanks in ALL circumstances, because we serve a GOD who will never forsake.  

Much Love, Frances Hope